
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/03 11:49:15
一个对话框,下面有三个按钮,左边标有"终止",中间"重试",右边"忽略".提示语为"Are you continue to?",对话框标题"功能测试",显示"?"图标,并把第一个按钮作为默认活动按钮.单击终止,在另一个对话框里打印返回值3,单击重试,打印返回值4,单机忽略,打印返回值5.


messagebox API 函数 可以完全满足你的要求
Public Declare Function MessageBoxEx Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxExA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal uType As Long, ByVal wLanguageId As Long) As Long

The MessageBoxEx function creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains an application-defined message and title, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons. The wLanguageId parameter specifies which set of language resources is used for the predefined push buttons. For full descriptions of the other parameters of MessageBoxEx, see MessageBox.

int MessageBoxEx(
HWND hWnd, // handle of owner window
LPCTSTR lpText, // address of text in message box
LPCTSTR lpCaption, // address of title of message box
UINT uType, // style of message box
WORD wLanguageId //